Rev. Jake has started a Bible Study Podcast! It is full of humorous stories about the outdoors! Check out the “Outdoors with the Gospel” by clicking HERE.
If you would like to give during this time, you can give electronically by clicking this link. We are in the Hiwassee District. You can also contact Rev. Jake to meet him or mail to: 4414 Bill Jones Road, Apison, TN 37302.

You found us! Looking for a community church where you feel like family, where you feel the warmth and love of the people around you? Tired of being a number in a huge congregation, where you are trying to find the right clique to maybe fit in? Is your spiritual journey pulling you to be closer with the Lord? Come and visit us to experience just good and simple church in this complex world of ours.
At AUMC (Apison United Methodist Church), every member is needed and valued. Going to a new place can be intimidating and scary. Please know we will make every effort to make sure your first experience is worry free. We look forward to getting to know you and becoming friends.
Come join us and help us grow our church family.
Address: 4412 Bill Jones Road Apison, TN 37302
Phone: 423-236-4442
Email: [email protected]